GHG Emissions Management Accreditations: Tierra Resource Consultants is an accredited Verification Body through the California ARB Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulations (MRR). The MRR is a verification standard that is recognized by CDP. Tierra staff have various industry credentials, including accredited CARB MRR Lead Verifiers. Mark Wilhelm is a Certified Carbon Auditing Professional (CAP) through the Association of Energy Engineers. All staff have experience in multiple sectors, including waste management, telecommunications, transportation, chemicals, logistics, energy, and higher education. We are also experienced in verifying GHG emissions inventories consistent with ISO 14064-3 guidelines and have developed inventories that follow the GHG Protocol Corporate Reporting & Accounting Standard and reporting through the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Tierra works closely with Wolf Lichtenstein, a Tierra affiliate and Principal with Lightstone Consulting, LLC, who has expertise in most GHG accounting protocols. Wolf has been an assessor for ANSI in their GHG accreditation program for third party Validation/Verification Bodies for over 13 years, through which he has conducted assessments across North America and through a wide variety of sectors. He also holds Lead Auditor certificates in ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.
Example GHG Emissions Inventory Reports: Many of the GHG Inventory Reports that we have developed are confidential and cover client emissions across many sectors, including higher education, K-12 education, waste management, telecommunications, transportation, logistics, and energy. The 2017 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report for Mohawk College can be accessed here.
Developing Low Carbon Transition Plans for Clients: The Tierra team has decades of best-in-class experience developing and implementing low carbon transition plans and strategies for clients. We have completed these detailed plans for clients in almost every sector. We believe that detailed carbon neutrality roadmaps are critically important to efforts that make significant progress toward challenging carbon neutrality goals. Our plans cover both quantitative and qualitative goals with strategies that are tuned to meet climate-related scenarios for various facility locations. They also evaluate and address strategies associated with building operations, infrastructure, renewable energy and storage technologies, transportation, and institutional initiatives. To complete our low carbon transitioning planning, we evaluate myriad details and strategies pertinent to our client, including anticipated financial returns, project delivery methods, decision-making frameworks, employee development, stakeholder engagement, and internal reporting methods. Our plans have included both static reports and living roadmaps that can be integrated with other enterprise software tools.
GHG Emissions Verifications: Tierra staff have worked together on many GHG emissions inventory verification engagements under CARB over the past 3 years. Clients have included: Expedia, EDP Renewables, HL Power Company, Tucson Electric Power, and Inspire Energy. Barbara and Wolf have independently complete dozens of verification projects over the past decade. Mark, Barbara, and Wolf are currently completing a unique carbon footprint analysis of process chemical waste (Scope 3 Indirect, Category 5 – Waste Generated in Operations) for a global semiconductor manufacturing corporation.
Serving CDP Climate Change A-List Clients: Tierra team members have delivered a variety of sustainability services to 11 of the firms on CDP’s “A List 2020”, including clients in the following sectors: Banking and Financial Services; Chemicals; Logistics; Pharmaceuticals; Waste; Technology; Utilities; Automotive.

Sustainability and Climate Change Advisory Services
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County Metrics Database
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Keys to Successful Passive House Implementation
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